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Engaging Facilitation Programs

We also facilitate highly energized and engaged development experiences for intact, cross-functional teams and open-enrollment audiences. Program offerings relate to work style, managing others, leading, and executing the vision.

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DiSC Assessments & Learning Experiences

As part of the Wiley Authorized Partner network, Created2Catapult has direct access to a suite of resources and tools based on 40+ years of research-backed assessment experience and 200+ years of publishing excellence. Created2Catapult leverages the DiSC model to partner with organizations and customize transformational learning that inspires behavior change.

Work of Leaders

Helps leaders understand their leadership styles and how their tendencies influence their effectiveness in specific leadership situations.

DiSC Management

Offers participants insight into strengths and challenges as people leaders and how to adapt their style.

Agile EQ

Participants discover their EQ strengths, recognize their EQ potential, and commit to strategies for building agility.

Productive Conflict

Enables participants to respond to workplace conflict's uncomfortable and unavoidable challenges effectively.

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Other Assessments & Experiences

Created2Catapult brings expertise in various assessment tools and best-in-class learning experiences, including Hogan, MBTI, and StrengthsFinder, adding immense value benefits to leader development and enabling customization to development initiatives.

Our best-in-class learning experiences provide leaders with practical tools, strategies, and frameworks they can apply directly. These experiences enhance their leadership capabilities and equip them with the skills to navigate complex challenges, inspire their teams, and drive organizational success.

Ultimately, partnering with Created2Catapult for leadership development empowers organizations to cultivate a strong leadership pipeline and achieve long-term success.

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